属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen
1 | 获得过半数选票的当选人数少于应选名额时,不足的名额另行选举。 | If the number of the elected persons who obtain more than half of the votes is less than the number of persons needed to be elected, another election shall be held to make up the difference, | |
2 | 获得过半数选票的候选人人数超过应选名额时,以得票多的当选。 | when the number of candidates who obtain more than half of the votes exceeds the number of leading persons to be elected, those who obtain more votes shall be elected. | |
3 | 即使到了现在,民意测验显示超过半数的美国人认为奥斯沃德并非单独行动。 | Even now, surveys show that more than half of americans believe that Oswald was not working alone. | |
4 | 柯洛克斯泰为人苛刻,因此娜拉必须变着法子按期还钱。每次托伐给她钱买新衣服和其它东西,她起码要省下一半,而且还要想别的路子去挣钱。 | Krogstad was exacting, and she had to think up ways and means to meet the regular payments. When Torvald gave her money for new dresses and such things, she never spent more than half of it, and she found other ways to earn money. | |
5 | 每年都有几次历时半月以上、招聘单位上千家及应聘者逾十万人次的大型人才集市。 | Each year, there are several large-scale talent employment fairs whose service for more than 1000 employers and more than 10,000 applicants lasts for more than half a month | |
6 | 每一成员应依照总理事会通过的财务条例,迅速向WTO交纳其在WTO费用中分摊的份额。 | The General Council shall adopt the financial regulations and the annual budget estimate by a two-thirds majority comprising more than half of the Members of the WTO. | |
7 | 民主是一种反复出现的疑心,即大多数人多半时间是正确的。--怀特 | Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time.-- Plato | |
8 | 内地人占本港旅客人数超过一半。 | Mainlanders now make up more than half of all visitors to the territory. | |
9 | 南顺的名字,跨越大半个世纪,成为高品质的保证。 | For more than half a century, the Lam Soon name has been synonymous with only the highest standards. | |
10 | 瞧瞧我吧;我本来是一个地主家的少爷,差不多够得上一名医生的资格。 | Look at me, I’m a laird’s son and more than half a doctor | |
11 | 请挪过去一点,你占了大半张凳子啦。 | Move up, please; you are taking up more than half the bench. | |
12 | 如获得过半数票的代表候选人名额超过应选代表名额时,以得票多的当选。 | When the number of candidates receiving more than half of the votes cast exceeds the number of deputies to be elected, the candidate with the greater number of votes wins the election. | |
13 | 设立股份有限公司,应当有五人以上为发起人,其中须有过半数的发起人在中国境内有住所。 | The establishment of a company limited by shares shall have at least five promoters including more than half of the promoters with domiciles within Chinese territory. | |
14 | 实行民族区域自治的民族人口占本地区总人口1/2或以上的,其干部构成应当与本民族人口比例大体相当; | When the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy makes up more than half of the total local population, there should be an equal ratio of officials from the ethnic group. | |
15 | 事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。根据农业部的统计,美国去年所种植玉米的1;3,大豆和棉花的一半以上都是生物技术的产物。 | In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. | |
16 | 所以,离开学校不到半里的镇上,一天繁荣似一天,照相铺,饭店,浴室,戏院,警察局,中小学校,一应俱全。 | Thus the town, no more than half a li from the school, was prospering every day, featuring photo shops, restaurants, bathhouses, theaters, a police station, and high and grade schools | |
17 | 他的大半生都是在国外度过的。 | He spent more than half his life abroad. | |
18 | 他在比赛中坚持跑完了全程,不像大部分选手那样半途而废. | He managed to finish the race,unlike more than half of the competitors. | |
19 | 它几乎占了普通(市内)电话平均费用的一半,而在长话中则超过了一半费用。 | In that regard it represents nearly half the cost of an average telephone call and more than half the cost of a long-distance call. | |
20 | 铜是仅次于银的最良导电体。铜必须提纯才可获得最好的导电性能。生产出的纯铜一半以上都用于电气工业。 | Next to silver copper is the best conductor of electricity. To have its highest conductivity the copper must be pure, and more than half of the pure copper produced is used in the electrical industry. | |
21 | 为了挽救濒于消亡的沼泽地,她奋斗了近半个世纪,直到1998年去世。 | She was fighting to save the glades from extinction for more than half a century right up until her death in 1998 | |
22 | 我顶多能喝半瓶. | I can’t drink more than half a carafe. | |
23 | 我们仅仅用了半个多世纪时间,不仅改变了旧中国一穷二白的落后面貌,而且建立起门类齐全的现代工业体系。 | It has taken us just a little more than half a century not only to put an end to the backward state of poverty and blankness characteristic of the old China, but also set up a modern industrial system with a complete range of production. | |
24 | 我祖祖辈辈都是山东人﹐刚到北京半年多。 | All my ancestors are from Shandong. I have only been in Beijing for more than half a year. | |
25 | 选区全体选民过半数参加投票,选举有效。如参加投票的选民不足半数,须改期选举。 | The election is valid when more than half of the voters in a constituency have cast their votes. The election has to be held another time if less than this figure has cast votes. | |
26 | 要知道,与互联网络连网的计算机服务器有一半以上是Sun公司生产的,任何增加互联网络业务量的措施(就像java肯定会做到的那样)都注定会增加Sun公司的帐上收入。 | More than half the computer servers on the Internet are Sun machines; anything that increases Internet traffic (as java surely will)is bound to add to sun’s bottom line | |
27 | 也就是说,电梯厢无论满载与否,电动机所须提升的重量都不会超过一半乘客的重量,另一半重量由平衡配重的向下拉力承担。 | This means that whether the car is full or not, the electric motor never has to lift more than half the weight of the passengers. The other half is carried by the downward pull of the counterweight. | |
28 | 以此类方式捕获的鲨鱼大半都还不到一米长。 | More than half of all sharks are smaller than 1 metre long. | |
29 | 由委员长会议提请常务委员会全体会议表决,由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。 | and the Chairman’s Committee shall bring the draft law for a vote by the plenary session of the Standing Committee, whereupon such bill shall be enacted if more than half of the votes cast by the members of the Standing Committee are affirmative. | |
30 | 由于这本了不起的书,现在每年都有50多万旅游者和参观者要去参观安妮·弗兰克曾写出她那永恒不朽、敏锐又充满人性的报导和评论的地方。 | Because of that marvellous book, today more than half a million tourists and visitors a year still find their way to Anne Frank’s house where Anne Frank wrote her timeless perceptive, human commentary |